

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Review: Sennheiser PX 200 Mini-Headphones

Time for a review...

I've owned a pair of these for 5+ years now. I use them pretty much every day at work; they are light, comfy on the ear, they don't feel like your head is in a vice and they are still to show any major sign of wear (with the exception of the ear-pad covering which is starting to flake a little but as this is a material that is in constant contact with your skin it's no surprise and certainly not worthy of a detrimental point of view).

Thursday, 3 March 2011

Cloud Computing: IT Vapor-trail or [guttering] Pipe-dream?

I was watching the GadgetShow the other week, with Jason Bradburys "Up-coming Tech Top 5", two of which boiled down to what I see as the extremes of cloud computing aimed at the consumer market; IPTV (being the lightest of the two) and remote hosted gaming hardware.

Random Twitter Find

While working on my first proper post I find today's random offering, courtesy of The Greenhornes.  I'd love to tell you all about them, but seeing as I've only known of them for the last 7 minutes or so all I can suggest is follow the link and have a listen!

Fantastic sound, from the 3 offerings on the site that I've listened to so far, reminds me slightly of the Beatles.  Lazy day / late night listening.
