

About Me

Software Developer since around 2000, finally realising there are much more interesting / far nicer things to look at, rather than a large monitor covered in code.

Starting in 2005 with a 3mp Fijifilm S5000, I then upgraded to an S9500. In 2009 I took the plunge and finally joined the D-SLR club with a Nikon D90. I use a Nikon 16-85mm VR and a Nikon 70-300mm.

I’ve also joined the macro club with a Nikon 105mm VR Micro.
Nothing fancy on the lighting front but I do use a ring flash in conjunction with the 105.

For the most-part I would class myself as a “reproduction / documentary photographer” with “ocasional eye for the dramatic” rather than an arty-type, though sometimes an idea comes to mind.

You can find my gallery here.

Professionally, I was the Lead Senior Developer at Neutrino Concepts Ltd until February 2014, where I mostly wrote software in C# and VB.Net using WPF and the .Net Framework 3.5.   Occasionally I was seen in Netbeans for Java development.  For more information on this side of my life and who I worked for, check out my linked-in profile:

I am currently a free-lance and open to opportunities in c# and Java, with a few ideas I'd like to flesh out on the app front.

For minor ramblings you can catch me on twitter - @laxxor